Let’s face it, most businesses have become hybrid. Your business might be too, statistically speaking. One out of two mid-size and large businesses that participated in this global survey told that they operate in a hybrid IT environment. This means that they use a combination of both on-premises software and cloud software. Their usage also includes containerized microservices. There’s also this complexity of 9 out of 10 businesses using either a public or a private cloud for data storage and other IT operations.
Now, what complexity does this bring to the table? The automation complexity!
Why are businesses looking for automation solutions?
The answer is simple, isn’t it? There less manual labor involved, and the resource could be working on things other than the ones that might as well be automated. Now, ecosystems that are completely on-premises or ecosystems that are completely on-cloud have it easy, really. But since more and more enterprises are going to become hybrid, the IT space has increased investments on coming up with automation and orchestration software that can make hybrid environments just as automated as the rest.
Integration and centralization: The way forward
One of the main ways that the companies are looking to partly solve the data isolation problem is by making sure the relevant software tools are tightly integrated. However, vendors are looking at providing tools that are almost as compatible with the ever-changing software solutions as a plug and play tool. Meaning, the user should be able to integrate the tools that they are using to any data storage tool or third-party application.
While this is a task for the future, and is constantly evolving, data architects are now looking to achieve a centralized data pipeline orchestration that brings design and management automation solutions from different tools under one roof. Meaning, automating automation.
Democratized automation
What’s one potential problem that enterprises are expecting, with the rise of automation dreams? An overload of the IT teams. Even if there’s a centralized IT automation team, given the amount of data models there are, and the amount of IT solutions there are, to be able to integrate them all together in different combinations will only become harder and harder as teams grow. What’s the solution, though?
The automation professionals of the enterprise are looking to democratize IT automation by giving controls to citizen automation experts. This can not only reduce the load of the central IT team, but also makes way for more contextual, relevant integrations and automation.
However, there’s a risk of exploit that teams are looking to stop by putting best practices in place, implementing reusable automation components, and by defining standards that will serve as the holy grail of automation of the teams. More than 8 out of 10 enterprises have at least one self-service automation portal in place, across the business. What this does is encourage teams to use tools from a limited set of vendors that are compatible with each other and have centralized automation exercises that makes orchestration of data pipelines easy.
How can Vizio help?
Choosing solutions – The first step of data pipeline building is choosing the right set of solutions. From data storage to data usage, be it on-premises or on cloud, choosing the right set of solutions that can both solve the problem and make integrations possible.
Implementing solutions – We’ll help you deploy the right software and set things up for you. We’ll set all the integrations up and make the data flow as easy and automated as possible.
With over two and half decades of experience in providing SAP solutions to our customers, Vizio consulting can identify problems and areas of improvement in businesses and help with the right, customized software solutions. Get in touch with us, and we’ll give your business an edge by helping you set up an automated, centralized data pipeline and making data handling secure and easy for your enterprise. Write to us at info@vizioconsulting.com and our team will reach out to you!