Advanced Analytics As An Attribute To FP&A Maturity

Financial planning and analysis(FP&A) is a set of intricate processes that help you track, analyze, and improve your business’s financial health. FP&A maturity deals with enhancing each of these processes across multiple facets, including functional skills, leadership, business partnership, collaboration, etc. Over time, the prominence of advanced analytics has increased significantly in FP&A solutions. Most…

Unlocking Potential With Machine Enabled FP&A

Unlocking Potential With Machine Enabled FP&A Machines have made our lives easier on all possible fronts. With AI and machine learning getting into the mainstream, businesses worldwide have started unlocking their true potential. One such example is machine-enabled FP&A. Financial planning and analysis (FP&A) allow you to improve your organization’s financial health. It is often…

What Finance Leaders Need To Look For While Choosing Financial Close Software

What Finance Leaders Need To Look For While Choosing Financial Close Software

Process automation plays a big role in driving digitization within organizations. Instead of letting your employees perform manual processes, implementing suitable software solutions allows you to streamline them, preventing your team members from spending more time and effort than required. Financial close software is one such alternative that helps businesses verify and adjust their account…

Top 7 Budgeting Process Mistakes That Companies Are Making

BY VIZIO CONSULTING INC. Budgeting does not imply denying yourself items you desire. A budget, when done correctly, acts as a plan for our financial future. In reality, a precise, well documented budget is an essential component of a sound financial strategy. Unfortunately, misconceptions regarding budgeting lead to many well-intentioned people making mistakes or abandoning the notion…